Money amulet: an overview

Often the lack of funds overwhelms the person, and the deplorable state of the funny and desperate. Experts say the only way is a charm in riches magical talisman. It is believed that it opens the cash energy channel. It turns out that each person needs to be a talisman to attract good luck.

The proof of this fact are the opinions of rich people, they all have money amulet. Lack of money prompted me to check how true the statement of psychics and magicians. Bought for fun a coin for good luck, I started my experiment. Deception or reality? Let's face it!

amulet coin

Review on money amulet

Complicated life situation forced me to look for ways to improve their financial position. All my attempts to make one had failed, something happened.

And plus, I got into debt, salaries enough to cover the loans. Having reached despair, decided to buy locutus coin. At that moment, like a miracle, but it was not soon.

I had almost six months to pull loans. All this time I never left an amulet.

Repaying loans, I knew in my wallet more than my debts. Faith has set me on a positive note, improved mood and found a new job.

I was unexpectedly offered a position, the salary is decent, but that's not going to stop.

The mascot will make me a successful woman! Feeling his power, I came to the conclusion that I should tell you about the amulet of coins (Money Amulet).

How does a Money Amulet

First of all, it has a powerful energy potential. So you had money, they need to be involved. Use the power of coins can both women and men.

To accessory has been more effective, it is recommended to speak. Experts claim that the plot enhances the action of the coin several times. And speak amulet you can not only on luck but also on happiness.

The period when the amulet starts to work may be different, from 2-3 weeks to several months. Let the subject be charged for your enrichment by force.

The money will come from everywhere, man rapidly moves up the career ladder, he will bring back long-forgotten debts or he wins the lottery.

Consulting familiar mascot, I began to notice amazing things, things went uphill. It turns out that it works!

Looks like the amulet to attract money

amulet for money

Externally, the amulet looks like a coin. You'll find most of the Imperial name and mascot.

Personalized made to order and based on the Imperial amulet takes the coin with the image of the Royal dynasty. These amulets have a very large force.

Especially if they are made by mages and monks. To create such a mascot with his hands quite difficult, it is much easier to buy it.

Carry it usually in my purse, but today you can often find charms in the form of pendants on the neck. If you use the coin as a pendant, to wear it closer to the body under clothing on a fabric or leather cord. If the coin turns black, it must be clean and speak (wealth) luck.

What are the properties of the coin

  • conveys the powerful energy of money to the owner;
  • works solely to increase revenue;
  • retains existing capital;
  • gives luck and prosperity to the family.

Since ancient times, money amulet passed from generation to generation.

It was considered irredeemable coin, it in any case can not be spent. Over the years the metal coins accumulate immense power and strength. Unfortunately, the attitude towards this kind of charms had been lost and only recently scholars started talking about their power. It turns out that ancient coins do not lose their significance.

So they worked them enough to talk.

Conspiracy to money amulet

conspiracy to money amulet

Not everyone knows that you can order already locutus coin. Magic related to money, is the most ancient, so the plots are only known hereditary magicians. Some of them share their knowledge. How effective they are, is not proven. In any case, the magic word phylacterium harm will not bring, and perhaps even strengthen it.

  1. Conspiracy to do better in the night from Wednesday to Thursday.
  2. At the time a magical ritual candles.
  3. Direct your mental flow to achieve the desired goal.
  4. Think about the power you want to give a coin.
  5. Put the amulet on a piece of cloth red.
  6. Hold it up to the open window. Moonlight should illuminate the amulet.
  7. Ask God for strength to mascot, he will be your guide.
  8. locutus coin wrap fabric and at night put under the pillow.

On the morning of the amulet have to hide in a purse. Not worth it to brag and give it to other people on hands. He brings money. Let it be so!

Care rules amulet for attracting income

Like any other Obereg, the coin should be treated, respecting some recommendations. Otherwise the amulet will lose its power.

  • keep it in a purse or secret pocket;
  • the fabric in which it can be wrapped must be clean, money does not like dirt;
  • do not be discouraged if the effect will not come immediately, be patient;
  • hide it from prying eyes, the amulet will only work on you;
  • to pass a coin can only be inherited;
  • for a gift to take the new coin, which will be intended for another person;
  • don't let the mascot get bored, communicate with them, recharge it with your energy.

If you believe in its power, the effect occurs as soon as the energy of the coins connect with your. Believe it or not — to solve only to you, weigh the pros and cons. In any case, the purchase of the irredeemable coin no obligation. I For myself made a choice.

Prosperity to you and a full wallet!